CONTECH Engineering Services


Key Personnel

Learn more about our great team! Here's a list of our key staff members and a description of each one's role in our organization. Just click on any name to learn more about that person.

Ronald Wise

A principal partner and senior staff consultant that has been with CONTECH since 1991. Mr. Wise has over thirty-three years of experience in providing engineering and consulting services to the commercial nuclear power industry. During his career, Mr. Wise has worked at multiple BWR, PWR and CANDU power plants and has a working level knowledge of the regulatory requirements related to the design, manufacturing, procurement, qualification, and maintenance of equipment for the commercial nuclear power industry. His background includes project management, configuration management, equipment qualification, procurement engineering, design engineering, and various engineering programs. Mr. Wise is familiar with the requirements of nuclear quality assurance programs, such as 10CFR50 Appendix B, ANSI N45.2, CSA N286 and CSA Z299.

Ronald Wise

Mr. Wise is currently the technical consultant to the Nuclear Utility Group on Equipment Qualification (NUGEQ). He is also one of the instructors for EPRI's EQ Training Class.

Mr. Wise has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from San Jose State University where he concentrated in power and fluids. Mr. Wise is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of California.

William Deen
Senior Vice President - Engineering

A principal partner and senior staff consultant that has been with CONTECH since 1989. Mr. Deen has over thirty years of experience in design and modification activities for nuclear power plant projects. Mr. Deen's experience includes preparation and review of nuclear safety analyses and engineering evaluations, environmental qualification of electrical equipment in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50.49, review and evaluation of plant modifications in accordance with 10CFR50.59, and evaluation of nonconforming conditions for determination of operability/functionality and for reportability as required by 1OCFR21, 10CFR50.72 and 10CFR50.73.

Mr. Deen has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. Mr. Deen is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Tennesse, Georgia, and Alabama.

Gary Spurling
Senior Vice President - Business Management

A principal partner and senior staff consultant that has been with CONTECH since its inception in 1988. Mr. Spurling has over thirty-five years of engineering experience in electrical design, construction, modification, testing, equipment procurement, environmental qualification, and maintenance of power plant equipment and systems.

Mr. Spurling has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.